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Struggles, Strategies, and Successes in Global Perspective


Struggles, Strategies, and Successes in Global PerspectiveSarah–Jane (Saje) Mathieu – University of MinnesotaFrom the end of the nineteenth century and throughout the twentieth century black activists across the Atlantic world showcased their transnational political savoir faire, demonstrating how African-descended peoples profited from thinking and acting globally. For example, African Americans, especially scholars, entertainers, athletes, soldiers, and missionaries, traveled extensively, embracing new ideas, new strategies, and new solutions that they then applied back in the United States. As an illustration, Paul Robeson told reporters that his time in fascist Spain during the 1930s made all the more urgent his civil rights work in the United States.Thus, the various types of transnational alliances and international black organizations formed during the “Africana Age” showcase the broad scope of political ideologies that appealed to African Americans, Africans, and Caribbeans desperate for new ways of navigating the challenges presented by white supremacy.

Source: Struggles, Strategies, and Successes in Global Perspective